Tanseeq For Legal Solutions

As we Advice we Solve

Legal Expertise That Helps
Legal Insight
Business Instinct
Experienced Lawyers
The Experience For Win
Our practice is your solution
Let our experience be your guide

We Provide Solutions

Tanseeq is a dynamic and innovative company dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions to businesses of all sizes. With a team of experienced professionals,we specialize in project management, business setup,legal consultation,media advertising, and audio and video production. Our mission is to empower businesses to succeed by offering expert guidance and creative services

Tailored Approach And A Passion For Justice

Loans & Overdues rescheduling services
Our specialized strategies help companies and individuals in recovering outstanding payments and maintain a valuable cash flow.
Our seasoned consultants provide strategic guidance and actionable insights, driving operational excellence, elevating performance, and assisting in the achievement of strategic objectives of our clients.

Legal matters can be a major concern for businesses.
Tanseeq provides expert legal consultation services to address your legal needs. Whether it's contract drafting, compliance, intellectual property protection, or any other legal aspect of your business, our legal experts ensure you're well informed and legally sound

 Our comprehensive translation services ensure precise and dependable communication, facilitating seamless understanding across diverse languages and cultural contexts. 
Setting up a business can be a complex and time-consuming process. Tanseeq simplifies this journey by offering comprehensive business setup services. We assist in company registration, licensing, permits, and all the essential steps required to establish your business, helping you navigate through regulatory requirements smoothly
 Our experienced consultants offer valuable insights and recommendations to improve business operations, enhance performance, and achieve strategic goals. 
We conduct comprehensive feasibility studies to evaluate the viability and potential success of bus ines s projec t s , providing valuable information for decision-making.
We help organizations develop strategic plans, monitor progress, ensure successful project implementation, and align actions with long term objectives. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, we strive to deliver tailored solutions that add value to our clients' business endeavours.
  • Proven Expertise: Our team comprises experienced professionals in various fields. 
  • Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize understanding your unique needs and goals. 
  • Creativity and Innovation: We bring fresh ideas and creativity to every project.
  •  Commitment to Excellence: Quality and customer satisfaction are our top priorities.
  •  Comprehensive Solutions: We offer a wide range of services under one roof.

Our success is rooted in our core values. These values form the foundational principles that define what we stand for as a law firm and as individuals.



To be honest, trustworthy, respectful and ethical in our actions. To honor our commitments and to be accountable for our actions, successes and failures.


Client Focus

To fully understand our clients’ requirements, challenges objectives and goals and to maximize the value of our services to our clients including safeguarding the security and confidentiality of their information.


Intellectual Rigor

To be meticulous in our attention to detail. To extract larger meaning from data and information to support objective evaluation, decision making and innovation.



To seek, share and respect diverse perspectives and to function as a team with our colleagues, clients and third party providers. To openly communicate all relevant information consistently and constructively.



To relentlessly pursue delivery of outstanding results in everything we do.

Committed to completely rethinking the existing law firm model, we designed and built our practice from the ground up using a revolutionary approach.


Identify each step needed to perform the legal process. Analyze the sequence of the steps. Identify the necessary materials and resources required to perform each step.


Improve processes for greater efficiency and consistent quality. Use technology to automate, simplify, and streamline. Develop instructive workflows that deliver the work to the right person, with the right skills, at the right time.


Instruct case team members using checklists, samples, and timelines. Drive productivity using role and task-based workflows. Automate document generation using best-in-class document templates.


Capture comprehensive data as part of the built- in, disciplined workflow process. Make data available for reporting, future analysis, and business insight.


  • Mai Tower - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
  •  Mon-Sat - 08:00-19:00